How to create an AMP for Email template

Last updated: March 18, 2023

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to make use of custom config files in Maizzle to create interactive AMP for Email templates.

For a syntax refresher, checkout the AMP Email docs or AMP Email examples.

Want to dive right in? Checkout our AMP for Email Starter.

Initial setup

As always, let's scaffold a new project:

      npx create-maizzle


In the interactive setup wizard, specify the directory name to create the project in, i.e. ./amp-emails, and select the Default Starter.

Choose Yes when prompted to Install dependencies.

Once it finishes installing dependencies, open the project folder in your favorite editor.


AMP for Email requires some special markup, so let's create an amp.html Layout and save it under layouts:

      <!doctype html>
<html ⚡4email>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <script async src=""></script>
  <style amp4email-boilerplate>body{visibility:hidden}</style>
  <style amp-custom>{{{ page.css }}}</style>
  <stack name="head" />
  <yield />



For this tutorial, we'll use the AMP Carousel component.

Create emails/amp/carousel.html and add a basic AMP carousel:

  <push name="head">
    <script async custom-element="amp-carousel" src=""></script>

  <div class="p-4">
    <div class="max-w-full">
      <amp-carousel width="600" height="400" layout="responsive" type="slides">
        <amp-img src="" width="600" height="400" alt="a sample image" />
        <amp-img src="" width="600" height="400" alt="another sample image" />
        <amp-img src="" width="600" height="400" alt="and another sample image" />


You initialize AMP components by pushing their <script> tag to the <stack name="head" /> from the layout, as shown above.

You can then use the component's markup inside <fill:template></fill:template>.

CSS inlining

Inline style attributes are not allowed in AMP, so you need to disable CSS inlining.

Do it either globally, in your environment config:

      export default {
  css: {
    inline: false,


... or locally, in the Template's Front Matter:

  inline: false



AMP for Email doesn't support !important in CSS, either.

This can be easily turned off in your Tailwind config:

      export default {
  important: false,


However, you probably want to turn it off only for AMP templates.

You can do this by updating your <style> tag for AMP templates to use a different Tailwind config file:

  @config 'tailwind.amp.js';
  @tailwind components;
  @tailwind utilities;


Next, duplicate tailwind.config.js to tailwind.amp.js and disable important:

      module.exports = {
  important: false,


Finally, run maizzle build amp to build your ⚡4email templates.

In case you haven't installed the Maizzle CLI, add an NPM script to package.json:

      "scripts": {
  "build:amp": "maizzle build amp"


You'd then build your AMP emails by running npm run build:amp.


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