Maizzle CLI

You can use the Maizzle CLI to:

  • create new projects
  • generate config files
  • build your HTML emails
  • scaffold Templates or Layouts


Install the CLI tool globally, so that the maizzle executable gets added to your $PATH :

      npm install -g @maizzle/cli


Creating a project

Scaffold a Maizzle project by opening a Terminal and running:

      maizzle new


This will bring up an interactive prompt that will guide you through the process.


The CLI tool provides commands for developing HTML emails with Maizzle.


      maizzle serve [env]

[env]nolocalAn Environment name to use
--bin-bPath to the Maizzle executable
--config-cPath to a config file to use
--port-pPort number to run the server on

Use the maizzle serve command to start a local development server, which you can access in your browser at http://localhost:3000.

[env] is optional, you can simply run maizzle serve and a server will be started using the settings from your project's config.js.

You can edit a Template or Component in your code editor, save it, and the changes will instantly be reflected in the browser.

serve [env]

You may specify which Environment config file to use by passing an [env] argument:

      maizzle serve production


In this example, a local development server will be started using the settings from your project's config.production.js. You can use this to start a dev server that uses settings from a different Environment config file.


If needed, you may specify the path to Maizzle's executable by passing the --bin flag:

      maizzle serve --bin /path/to/@maizzle/framework/src



You may specify the path to a config file by passing the --config flag:

This config file path takes precedence over the [env] argument, so for example the dev.config.js file will be used even if production is passed:

      maizzle serve production --config /path/to/dev.config.js



You may pass the --port flag to specify a port number to run the server on:

      maizzle serve --port 8080


By default, maizzle serve will start on port 3000.


      maizzle build [env]


The build command is used to compile your Templates and output them to the destination directory. If [env] is specified, Maizzle will try to compute an Environment config by merging config.[env].js on top of the default config.js.

[env]nolocalAn Environment name to use
--bin-bPath to the Maizzle executable
--config-cPath to a config file to use
--summary-sShow a summary of the build process


If needed, you may specify the path to Maizzle's executable by passing the --bin flag:

      maizzle build --bin /path/to/@maizzle/framework/src



You may specify the path to a config file by passing the --config flag:

      maizzle build --config /path/to/custom-config.js


The Environment config will be computed based exclusively on the contents of the specified file, there will be no merging with config.js.

Also, specifying a config file path takes precedence over the [env] argument.

In this example, custom-config.js will be used even if production is passed:

      maizzle build production --config /path/to/custom-config.js



You may pass the --summary flag to show a summary of the build process:

      $ maizzle build production --summary


This will output a list of all the Templates that were built, their compiled file size, and how long it took to build each one:

│ File name              │ File size │ Build time │
│ confirmation.html      │ 5.07 KB   │ 432 ms     │
│ email-change.html      │ 5.07 KB   │ 79 ms      │
│ invitation.html        │ 5.08 KB   │ 81 ms      │
│ password-recovery.html │ 4.99 KB   │ 65 ms      │

✔ Built 4 templates in 698 ms



CLI commands for creating new projects and scaffolding Templates or config files.


      maizzle make:config


This command will start an interactive prompt that will guide you through the process of creating a new Maizzle config file.

You may skip the prompt by passing a name for the config file:

      maizzle make:config [env]

[env]n/aEnvironment name to use for the config file name.
--full-fScaffold a full config.

The [env] option is an Environment name, like preview.

For example, let's scaffold config.preview.js:

      maizzle make:config preview


By default, a minimal config will be output:

      /** @type {import('@maizzle/framework').Config} */
export default {
  build: {
    content: ['emails/**/*.html'],
    output: {
      path: 'build_preview',


If you want a full config, use the --full option:

      maizzle make:config preview --full



      maizzle make:layout


Scaffolds a new Layout.

Running it with no arguments will present an interactive prompt.

The same Layout structure from the Starter will be output.

You may skip the prompt by passing in arguments:

filepathFull path of the file to create, including file name
      maizzle make:layout layouts/layout.html


Paths may be relative to the project root:

      maizzle make:layout ../global-emails/layouts/layout.html



      maizzle make:template


Scaffolds a new Template.

Running it with no arguments will present an interactive prompt.

A minimal Template structure will be output:

preheader: "Sample preheader text"

  <!-- your HTML... -->


You may skip the prompt by passing in arguments:

filepathFull path of the file to create, including file name
      maizzle make:template emails/my-template.html


Paths may be relative to the project root:

      maizzle make:template ../global-emails/my-template.html



      maizzle make:component


Scaffolds a new Component.

Running it with no arguments will present an interactive prompt.

You may skip the prompt by passing in arguments:

filepathFull path of the file to create, including file name
      maizzle make:component components/my-component.html


A minimal Component structure will be output:

      <script props>
  module.exports = {
    greeting: props.greeting || 'Hello, World!',

{{ greeting }}

<yield />


Paths may be relative to the project root:

      maizzle make:component ../global-emails/components/my-component.html



      maizzle make:tailwind [filepath]


Scaffolds a new Tailwind CSS config based on the one in the Starter.

Running it with no arguments will present an interactive prompt.

A minimal Tailwind CSS config will be output:

      /** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  presets: [
  content: [


You can skip the prompt by passing in arguments:

filepathFull path of the file to create, including file name
      maizzle make:tailwind config/tailwind.config.js

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