
Maizzle can automatically create plaintext versions of your HTML emails.


Generate a plaintext version for all your email templates by adding a plaintext key to your templates source in config.js:

export default {
plaintext: true,

Custom path

Set the plaintext key to be a directory path to output plaintext files to a custom location. Plaintext files will be output relative to the build.output.path folder.

export default {
plaintext: 'dist/brand/plaintext',

You may configure both the output directory and the file extension by providing an object with output.path and output.extension keys:

export default {
plaintext: {
output: {
path: 'dist/brand/plaintext',
extension: 'rtxt',

Front Matter

Generate a plaintext version for a specific Template by enabling it in its Front Matter:

plaintext: true
<!-- your email HTML... -->

A .txt file will be output at the same location with the compiled Template.

You may of course set plaintext to a custom path in Front Matter as well.

Using a file path for plaintext in Front Matter will output that file at the specified location relative to the project root:

plaintext: dist/brand/plain.txt

This will output the plaintext file at dist/brand/plain.txt relative to your project root:

└─ brand
└─ plain.txt
└─ templates
└─ example.html

However if you use a directory path, the plaintext file will be output relative to the build.output.path folder instead, and will use the same name as the Template:

plaintext: dist/brand


└─ dist
└─ brand
└─ example.txt
└─ templates
└─ example.html

If you're using the permalink Front Matter key in your Template, Maizzle will output the .txt file at that location:

permalink: example/email.html
plaintext: true
<!-- your email HTML... -->

For the Template above, example/email.txt will be generated.

No matter what you set plaintext to in Front Matter in this case, as long as it's a truthy value the plaintext file will be output at the location specified by permalink, using the exact same filename but with the .txt extension.


By default, the plaintext generator in Maizzle uses most default options from string-strip-html, with this exception:

export default {
plaintext: {
dumpLinkHrefsNearby: {
enabled: true

This ensures URLs from anchors are actually output in the plaintext version.

You may use a plaintext object in your config.js to overwrite any of the defaults from string-strip-html.

export default {
plaintext: {
ignoreTags: [],
onlyStripTags: [],
stripTogetherWithTheirContents: ['script', 'style', 'xml', 'not-plaintext'],
skipHtmlDecoding: false,
trimOnlySpaces: false,
dumpLinkHrefsNearby: {
enabled: false,
putOnNewLine: false,
wrapHeads: '',
wrapTails: ''
cb: null,

Front Matter override

Using plaintext: true like in the Front Matter example will override your plaintext config object if you have it defined in config.js like above.

If you need to control string-strip-html options when generating plaintext for a specific Template, you need to use enabled: true.

You basically add the options object to the Template's Front Matter:

enabled: true
putOnNewLine: true,
wrapHeads: '['
wrapTails: ']'
<a href="">Click here</a>

That will output:

Click here

<plaintext> tag

Output content only in the plaintext version:

plaintext: true
This text shows in both the HTML and the plaintext versions.
<plaintext>This will be output only in the plaintext version</plaintext>

<not-plaintext> tag

You may also discard content from the plaintext version while preserving it in the HTML, with the help of the <not-plaintext> tag:

plaintext: true
This text shows in both the HTML and the plaintext versions.
<p>This paragraph will be output only in the HTML version</p>


You may render an HTML string to plaintext in your application with the help of the plaintext() method. The custom tags, like <plaintext>, are also supported.

import { generatePlaintext } from '@maizzle/framework'
const plaintext = await generatePlaintext(`<p>your html string</p>`)
// your html string

You can also pass a config object to this method:

const plaintext = await generatePlaintext('html string', {
posthtml: {
// PostHTML options...
// ... string-strip-html options
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