
Resources that you can use to enhance your Maizzle development workflow.

Know of a resource that we should list here? Let us know.

Editor extensions

Extensions that can enhance your Maizzle development workflow.

VS Code

Sublime Text




These are some web apps that you can use with any HTML email, not just the ones that you create with Maizzle.

  • Polypane* - a browser for developers with side-by-side viewports, quick inspect, accessibility tools, media emulations etc. - we use it to develop all our HTML emails 👌
  • Parcel - online code editor built for email development
  • Can I email - check email client support for HTML and CSS features
  • mailto: Link Generator - generate mailto: links with pre-filled fields
  • Calendar Link Generator - generate "add event" links for popular calendar services
  • How to Target Email Clients - CSS selectors to help you target and style emails for specific email clients


  • tailwindcss-mso - a Tailwind CSS plugin that generates MSO utilities
  • tailwindcss-email-variants - Tailwind CSS plugin that provides variants for email client targeting hacks used in HTML emails.
  • tailwindcss-box-shadow - Tailwind CSS plugin that generates shadow utilities exactly as you have them defined in your theme config.


  • tailwindcss-preset-email - a Tailwind CSS config preset that changes some utility classes to use values that are better supported in email clients. It also includes all of the plugins above and is used by default in Maizzle.

* indicates an affiliate link, which means we get a small commission if you purchase something on that site after clicking it (it does not affect the price you pay).

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