Markdown starter

This starter allows you to create emails from markdown files.

Simply add your markdown files to content, run the build command, and they will be converted to HTML emails using a predefined layout.

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Getting started

Scaffold a new project based on this starter:

      npx create-maizzle


In the interactive setup wizard, specify the directory name to create the project in, i.e. ./my-project, select Custom Starter → Markdown, and choose Yes when prompted to Install dependencies.

Next, switch the current directory to my-project:

      cd my-project


Start local development:

      npm run dev


Build emails for production:

      npm run build


Custom layouts

The starter supports custom layouts, which you can add to layouts.

The default layout is layouts/main.html, but if you want to use a different layout for a specific markdown file, you can add a layout property to its front matter:

layout: secondary

## Custom layout

This email uses a custom layout, defined in `layouts/secondary.html`.



See the detailed guide for the Markdown starter here.

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